How to Make Earings

H ow to Make Earrings These earrings are fun and easy to make, and they look great too! Supplies You can get these supplies at most craft stores. -Wire cutters -Round nosed pliers -Head pins -Earring backs (optional) -Beads (the holes should be pretty small) Take the beads and put them on a headpin in the order you want them arranged. Do the same with the other headpin. After you do that, then cut off the excess wire with the wire cutters, leaving about a centimeter of wire. Take the round nosed pliers and make a loop (but leave it partly open) with the wire that's left attached to the bead, and put an earring hook in the loop. Close the loop and do the same with the other earring. When you're done, the earrings should look something like this. Hope y'all had fun! Scroll down to see comments